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Join us in a challenge to have an intentional summer with your family. 

Bucket List Challenge

We take summers off from our Wednesday Night Redemption Kids Program in order to allow our families to have more time together throughout the summer. Even though families have more time together, "family time" can still get lost in the mix if we are not intentional. So, we have put together a fun Family Bucket List Challenge to help families utilize their time well this summer. 


Join us in this fun challenge and try to complete as many families activities on the Bucket List as you can. We have found that sometimes we need help jumpstarting healthy rhythms within our families. Feel free to encourage other families to join the challenge, and remember that any movement forward in intentional living is a win.


How the challenge works

Pick up a Bucket List from church or download it below.


Complete as many activities as you can with your family this summer.


Mark off each completed activity and bring the Bucket List sheet to Redemption Kids on August 9 for a prize.


Most importantly, have fun and enjoy intentional time with your family.


Summer Discipleship Activites Bucket Lis
Hunter First Baptist Church in Elizabethton, TN

693 Highway 91
Elizabethton, TN 37643

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Service Times

+ Sunday 9:15am - Adult Bible Study

+ Sunday 10:30am - Worship 

+ Wednesday 6:30pm - Kids/Youth/Adult Studies

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