About Hunter
"Our mission is to make mature disciples of Jesus Christ within a transformational community."
(Matt 28:18, Acts 4:32, Ephesians 4:15)
Hunter First Baptist Church is located just outside of Elizabethton, Tennessee in the shadow of Holston Mountain. For nearly two centuries the people of Hunter First have worshiped and served together in the name of Jesus Christ. Through trials and triumph, God has equipped Hunter to be on mission in Carter County and around the globe. Our desire is to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ reach all people and to glorify the Lord as we help them walk with Him.

Disciple Making Process
we seek to develop disciples of Jesus Christ by intentionally investing time in:

Seeing Christ Through God's Word

Sharing Christ Through Relationships

Showing Christ Through Service
What is a Mature Disciple?
Mature disciples are followers of Jesus who will continually pursue growth in the following areas:
Family Member
Family Members seek to be committed to God’s family and to the church

Worshipers seek to live sacrificial lives of pleasing worship to the Lord

Servants seek to use their gifts and talents to build up the church and to show the love of Christ to the world

Stewards seek to use their resources to take and to send the Gospel to those in need

By the power of the Holy Spirit, witnesses seek to share the Gospel in their words and actions with the world around them
What can I expect?From the moment you arrive, you'll be greeted by people who are genuinely happy to see you. Sunday church services are designed to engage people of ages, backgrounds, and spiritual stages through fellowship, Scripture, song, and prayer.
What do I wear?We have a casual and friendly environment where everyone is welcome and can belong. Dress how you are most comfortable worshipping God. We dress from casual to business casual.
What are the messages like?We like to preach and teach through passages of Scripture, learning about God, Jesus, and ourselves. Sometimes, we discuss topics, but we mainly study through various books of the Bible. Our messages range from 35-40 minutes, and we seek to engage everyone and call them to respond as God leads.
What is the music like?We enjoy live music and singing as a part of our gathering. Our talented musicians lead us in vibrant and passionate worship with modern and traditional songs. We choose our songs intentionally and prayerfully.
What do we believe?You can read about what we believe about God, Jesus, Scripture, the Church, the Gospel, and more on our "About Us" page.
How do I become a member?We greatly value church membership and our church members. Step 1: Attend Discover Hunter (Membership Class) Step 2: Meet with a Pastor to share your story. Step 3: Become a member.
How can I get involved?Christian relationships are so important to the Christian Life. Which is why we love to help people connect and grow together. We encourage everyone to engage weekly in three ways: corporate worship, small groups, and service. Corporate Worship is on Sundays at 10:30 am. This time helps us grow in Scripture and refocus our hearts on the Lord. Small Groups meet at various times and locations each week. These groups help us connect personally with other believers on a similar spiritual journey. Serving occurs in many different ways and at many times. Contact a pastor or a ministry leader to find where you best fit in ministry.
What denomination is Hunter First and why?Hunter First is a member of the Southern Baptist Convention. We believe that the Southern Baptist doctrines best align with Scripture and best allow us to fulfill Christ's "Great Commission." Even though no denomination is perfect, we believe the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) enables us to partner with other like-minded churches and organizations to pursue Gospel ministry most efficiently. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our pastors about it.